Yo-yo diets.
Sugar cravings.
Shame spirals.

Millions of women have felt exactly what you’re feeling, and we all deserve to live free from the food noise, free from the pain, free from the exhaustion, and free from the shame.

It’s possible; I’m living proof. God can empower you to release the sugar shackles and gain victory once and forever! In my new book, SugarFreed™: Stop Losing the Weight-Loss Battle…Start Gaining the Victory, I’ll show you how. Walk away equipped to:


chronic health issues and begin healing.


your body with nourishing choices.


your mind by breaking destructive habits.


your soul by feasting on God’s Word.

Christine Trimpe’s SugarFreed is a beacon of hope for anyone struggling with weight and health. Your battle with obesity is not entirely your fault, and this book offers practical steps and heartfelt encouragement to address the root cause—insulin resistance. Break free from the hold of sugar and processed carbs once and for all.

- Jason Fung,

MD, New York Times best-selling author of The Obesity Code

Before and after images of Christine's weight transformation

Hi, I’m


and I’m so glad you’re here.

I’ve stood where you are, nearly defeated by cravings that only tightened their grip with each diet I tried. I was 100 pounds over a healthy body weight for my stature, and I felt it. I felt it every time I attempted to exercise. I felt it every morning after another night of terrible sleep. And, I felt it in the way others looked at me; I didn’t want to be noticed, yet I longed to be seen. I was also worried—about each new health issue that popped up and about whether or not I’d be there for my children as they grew into adults. The thought of missing out on grandbabies just about did me in.

At the bottom of a literal mountain I wanted to climb but couldn’t, God met me. I was crushed; He was faithful. His divine presence that day pushed me into my first faith-fueled baby step for my health, which led me into another, and then another. Now, nearly a decade later, my body is healthy and my heart is filled with joy. I’d like to help you claim the same. This book is a labor of love written for you, sister in Christ.

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Fellow wellness warriors
have a lot to say about this book.

This book is a testament to the possibility of change and freedom from food addiction. Trimpe’s coaching expertise and personal insights make this book a valuable ally for anyone seeking to overcome sugar cravings and obesity.

—Andreas Eenfeldt,
MD, Founder and CEO, Diet Doctor and Hava

As I read Christine Trimpe’s vulnerable story, I marveled at how she faithfully points us to the bondage-breaking power of God’s redemptive plan in our physical and spiritual lives. Chapter after chapter, I was reminded of Revelation 12:11, which promises how we will one day triumph over our chief enemy, the devil, and experience victory in every sin-struggle and sadness he taunts us with.

We’re told, “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” In our final days upon this old earth, the accuser of our souls (who loves to keep us bound up in obesity, lethargy, and self-loathing) will himself be bound up and thrown out of our lives altogether! How? By the saving work of Christ and the testifying word of the saved! That’s what will happen then, but it’s also how we can battle him here and now, today.

SugarFreed is Christine’s testimony of how God set her free, inviting each of us into freedom as well! Only the blood of the Lamb can heal the wounds that food has never been able to. And your testimony holds the power to bring others with you into health and hope! As you consider reading SugarFreed, I encourage you to invite a friend or two to join you on this bondage-breaking journey to freedom!

—Wendy Speake,
best-selling author of The 40-Day Sugar Fast and The 40-Day Feast

I am very impressed after reading Christine’s SugarFreed about her battle with food and weight for many years. I know how hard it is and the pain it bears. The consequences are numerous and so devastating, and behind the battle lies shame and a feeling of failure when dieting, losing weight, relapsing, gaining it back, and more. As you read SugarFreed, you will soon understand why sugar addiction is not your fault. Surrendering to that fact and asking for knowledge and help is your ticket to freedom. I am grateful to Christine for sharing her story and getting a certification in diagnostics and treatment so she can share her deep insights and a new toolbox with others. I know you will be grateful too.

—Bitten Jonsson,
RN, Addiction Specialist ACRPS; Founder of SUGAR® Diagnostic and Holistic Medicine for Addiction Education and Training

Christine’s inspiring, faith-based journey is nothing short of transformational. Her evolution of finding herself, reversing poor metabolic health, and becoming a wellness coach to continue helping others is incredibly motivating. Sugar addiction is the basis of so many diseases and ill health in our current society, and Christine’s detailed book will be a well-sought-after resource for patients and clients alike.

—Cynthia Thurlow,
NP, host of Everyday Wellness podcast, 2x TedX speaker, best-selling author of The Intermittent Fasting Transformation, passionate advocate for women in perimenopause and beyond

Eloquent and compelling—SugarFreed tells Christine’s story in a way that will speak to your heart and give you the power to look inward at what holds you captive. She is the best friend who has been there and will hold your hand while lifting your chin to the One who breaks every chain.

—Amanda Decker,
FNPc, MHP, CKNS, @deckerlesscarbs, owner of Clear Path Medical

The apostle Paul wrote, “For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come” (1 Timothy 4:8). Paul’s point is that there are many false teachings that sound like truth, taste like truth, but are indeed not truth. They might give us an emotional boost in the moment, but they do not sustain us.

In many ways, biblical false teaching is like sugar. It can look appealing and taste sweet but doesn’t fuel your body. Instead, as sugar makes you a slave to more sugar, false teaching keeps you a slave to sin. You must keep returning to fill your emotional plate because it is incapable of true transformation.

Few people I know understand this as well as Christine Trimpe! Living SugarFreed will cut the chain to the idol of food in your life. The apostle Paul says that healthy living is profitable and valuable. But even greater is godliness. Christine marries these two things wonderfully in this book!

—Adam Groh,
senior pastor, Berkley Community Church

Seeking true freedom from sugar addiction and unsustainable dieting? Get ready to completely transform your life, mind, body, and soul! By implementing Christine’s principles outlined in this book, you can achieve lasting transformation. SugarFreed will unveil God’s plan to accomplish infinitely more than you can envision, echoing Paul’s words in Ephesians 3:20. Christine’s approach to overall wellness and freedom from sugar is truly sustainable. If you’re urgently seeking to break the chains of your unhealthy relationship with sugar and experience lasting freedom, SugarFreed is your guide. This book provides scientific facts, practical steps, and spiritual insights to help you realize the freedom you’ve longed for. SugarFreed is victory waiting to happen for anyone ready to embrace true transformation.

—Cherie Denna,
award-winning author of Beloved Outcast: The Quest for True Belonging, pastor of women’s ministry, and founder of the Everyday Belonging Movement

Christine Trimpe’s SugarFreed is a powerful guide for anyone struggling with sugar addiction and unhealthy habits. With deep faith and personal insight, Christine walks readers through the essential steps of turning their health around—physically, mentally, and spiritually. From confronting chronic health issues to breaking free from sugar’s stronghold, she provides practical advice for lasting transformation. SugarFreed will inspire you to reclaim your health and live in the freedom God desires for you.

—Susan Neal,
RN, MBA, MHS, author of 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates

We can’t wait to hear your reaction, too.

Expect practical applications for your mind, body, and spirit.

SugarFreed is broken into four intentional sections:


Section 1

Resolving It

In this section, we explore what it really means to choose to take control of your health and life. I’ll share my own turning point and how I found the courage to face my fears, shame, and years of unhealthy habits. I'll then walk you through the first step of deciding to make a change, even when it feels hard (or impossible). Reflect on your own journey to this point, then decide if you'd like to move forward with small, actionable steps that can change everything.


Section 2

Restoring Your Body

In this section, we get uber-practical! We'll dive
deep into the journey of overcoming chronic health issues, confronting the realities of sugar addiction, insulin resistance, and the long-term impacts of unhealthy habits. From my own experiences of cleaning up a metabolic mess to practical strategies like low-carb living and fasting, this section is designed to give you the tools that finally help.


Section 3

Renewing Your Mind

Transforming your health isn’t just about what you eat—it’s actually mostly about how you think. In this section, we explore how to break free from the mental and emotional habits that keep you stuck. You’ll learn how to challenge negative thought patterns, manage cravings, and align your mind with God’s truth. For me, mindfulness was the missing piece that tripped me up time and time again—maybe you can relate.


Section 4

Redeeming Your Spirit

In this section, we explore how God’s Word can really heal and transform us from the inside out. It’s all about breaking free from things like fear, anxiety, and addiction by surrendering—letting go of those struggles and trusting God’s power to restore us. When we feed our spirit, we find the strength to overcome life’s challenges, take back our health, and live in the freedom God’s promised us.

“Life-changing” is an understatement, friends.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Is SugarFreed a diet book?

No, SugarFreed is not a diet book—it’s a freedom book. While it does offer practical strategies for breaking free from sugar addiction and restoring your health, it’s about so much more than what’s on your plate. This is a journey of aligning your mind, body, and spirit with God’s truth, addressing the root causes of unhealthy habits, and stepping into lasting transformation.

Does SugarFreed recommend the Keto diet?

It does not! The premise of the book is about replacing a craving for sugar with a craving for something healthier and far more satisfying. To maintain freedom from sugar, some choose to live a Keto lifestyle, while others choose low-carb options or something else entirely. This is your journey!

Wait, are you going to ask me to give up fruit?

We are so used to these questions by now, aren’t we? Don’t worry, I won’t tell you what to eat. I will simply arm you with information so you can determine the food choices that align with your goals. Many of my clients eat fruit!

Is it really possible to break a sugar addiction?

I know how impossible this feels as you read this, but trust me. I am living proof. Within 6-8 weeks of my journey, I didn’t miss sugar at all!

Will I ever be able to eat sugar again?

That’s up to you! I won’t ever tell you what to eat or not eat. I will simply make sure you have facts to make informed decisions. After reading SugarFreed, you’ll be better equipped to answer this question. We all have to know what works uniquely for us!

Why do you include faith in the book and in your coaching?

My faith was the single most impactful part of my journey; I suspect it will be yours, too.

Where can I buy the book?

You can buy SugarFreed on Amazon (here) or order a signed copy directly from this site (here) if you’re in the USA.

For international orders, search “SugarFreed Christine Trimpe” on your Amazon store.

Is this a good book for a group to do together?

Absolutely! The challenge of losing weight is always easier with support. Whether you team up with a friend, join my free Facebook group, Weight Loss by Faith, or explore my signature program, The SugarFreed™ Me Weight Loss Solution, you’ll find encouragement and accountability every step of the way. Together, we can link arms and walk this journey with a community of women who truly understand.

Can I work with you directly?

You can! Learn more about the SugarFreed Me program here.

Do you like to do hard things in community with others?

SugarFreed is your guide to breaking free from sugar addiction, restoring your health, and reclaiming your life with God’s help. Within its pages, you’ll find the inspiration, tools, and strategies you need to start your transformation. But sometimes, the journey feels easier surrounded by those on a similar journey. That’s why I created a space for all who are ready to dive in now—a supportive community where we work through these principles together, one step at a time.

Start with the book. Let its message take root. And if you’re ready to join a group of like-minded people committed to freedom, the door is always open.

Wait! Don’t leave empty-handed!

Get a free excerpt from SugarFreed and start your freedom journey today.

Coach Christine & Client