The SugarFreed MeWeight Loss Solution

Holistic health, fueled by faith

I am both sorry you’re here and glad you found me.

I’m sorry because I’ve stood where you are, nearly defeated by cravings that only tightened their grip with each diet I tried. I was 100 pounds over a healthy body weight for my stature, and I felt it. I felt it every time I attempted to exercise. I felt it every morning after another night of terrible sleep. And, I felt it in the way others looked at me; I didn’t want to be noticed, yet I longed to be seen. I was also worried—about each new health issue that popped up and about whether or not I’d be there for my children as they grew into adults. The thought of missing out on grandbabies just about did me in.

At the bottom of a literal mountain I wanted to climb but couldn’t, God met me. I was crushed; He was faithful. His divine presence that day pushed me into my first faith-fueled baby step for my health, which led me into another, and then another. Now, nearly a decade later, my body is healthy and my heart is filled with joy. I’d like to help you claim the same.

Will you join me on a once-and-for-all journey to feeling better than ever?

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It’s wild; I prefer not to have sugar now!

Heidi M., Michigan


Hi, I’m


I’m a follower of Christ, wife, mother, and certified health & wellness coach. After a long journey of education, prayer, and trial and error, I discovered the strategies that finally helped me achieve the health I longed for. Today, I have increased energy and mental clarity, but even more amazing than this, I am 100% free from my cravings for sugar and junk food. I lost weight that wouldn’t budge for years and give all the glory to God.

Now, it’s your turn to experience wellness and wholeness through my signature SugarFreed Me program, a 13-week journey to holistic health fueled by faith.

Icon of a person in movement


Every step of the SugarFreed Me program focuses on practical, health-focused guidance.

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It also focuses on your mind, helping you overcome limiting beliefs that have held you back.

Icon image of a Bible


Most importantly, SugarFreed Me relies on a consistent pursuit of the promises of God.

Ready for your first baby step?

Drop me your email and I’ll send over a pre-recorded masterclass where I unveil the SugarFreed Me methodology. Plus, I’ll throw in a copy of my most popular guide—Crush Your Cravings: The Ultimate Wellness Guide for Christian Women.

Kick cravings to the curb in 13 weeks.

Transformation doesn’t happen overnight, but it’s proven that it can stick with somewhere around 90 days of regular commitment. And guess what? 13 weeks x 7 days = 91 days. Yep, we threw in an extra day for good measure!


Every week, you'll listen to me teach three mini-lessons.

Most participants listen to the three 5- to 15-minute lessons on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, but you can tune in on-demand whenever you'd like. Some of the lessons are video-based, some are audio-based, and all are jam-packed with information and encouragement to guide your journey.

Listen To a Sample Lesson


Then, you'll live what you learn with uber-practical action steps.

At the end of each lesson, I'll explain what you can do with your new knowledge. Sometimes, I'll invite you to write to a journal prompt or complete a worksheet, and I'll always challenge you to set a new, bite-sized boundary related to your health (at least one per week).

Get a Sneak Peek At A Worksheet


And lean on a plethora of support along the way.

Your experience starts with an onboarding call where I'll run you through the platform. Then, we'll meet three additional times as you move through the 13 weeks. In between our sessions, you'll be highly encouraged to interact in our private Facebook group (reserved JUST for SugarFreed Me participants and graduates). Plus, we offer weekly group coaching calls and a monthly mindset session.

Meet Me Before Your Enroll

You know what’s really great about SugarFreed Me? You’re going to enjoy it.

Have a look at the modules.

Every week, you’ll have access to three short video or audio modules that teach the main points for that phase in the journey. Want to move through them faster than three a week? Go for it. Your journey: your pace. Here’s what you can expect—

Module #1

Your Why & Choices

Module #2

Your Body, Your Temple


Module #3

Sugar Facts:
The Real Reason You Struggle with Weight Loss

Module #4

Food Choices:
God’s Smorgasbord is Satiating & Satisfying

Module #5

Goal Setting:
Motivation and Momentum

Module #6

Your Best Advocates–You & Me

Module #7

Let’s Flip
Those Cravings!

Module #8

Fasting for
Food Freedom

Module #9



Module #10



Module #11

Have a Plan

Module #12

Let’s Get


Module #13

Celebrate Your SugarFreed Me Victories & Your Next Steps 

You also get:

  • 52+ pages of coordinating worksheets & resources
  • 24/7 support in the private SugarFreed Me Facebook group
  • Weekly group coaching calls + monthly mindset sessions
  • Monthly private 1:1 sessions with me

I’d love to help you determine if

SugarFreed Me is a good fit for you.

One drop can ripple into a wave of transformation.

Drop me your email and I’ll send over a pre-recorded masterclass where I unveil the SugarFreed Me methodology. Plus, I’ll throw in a copy of my most popular guide—Crush Your Cravings: The Ultimate Wellness Guide for Christian Women.

Join a community filled to the brim with the loveliest ladies on the planet.

Your membership includes exclusive access to a Facebook group for SugarFreed Me participants. In it, you’ll meet instant friends who are sharing obstacles, successes, and support on a daily basis. You’ll hear me point you to the group over and over again because, as good as the course material is, it’s this community that takes SugarFreed Me to the next level. I can’t wait to hang with you there!

Can we jump on a call to talk more about the program?

Before we talk, you might be wondering…

Speaking Engagements (Previous & Upcoming)
  • Teacher—At the Well Conference | April 25–27, 2024 | Hudsonville, MI | You Should Be on YouTube and Navigating Storms: Strengthening Your Resilience, Health, and Wellness
  • Keynote Speaker—Nourished Women’s Event | March 9, 2024 | Dickson, TN
  • Keynote Speaker & Workshop Teacher—Deep In the Heart of Texas | February 2024 TBA
  • Worship Leader & Speaker—The Olive Leaf Retreat | September 29–October 1, 2023
  • Teacher (Shine Your Light: Harnessing Video Marketing for God’s Glory)—August 8, 2023 | Christian Product Expo, Lexington, Kentucky
  • Keynote Speaker—Glimmers of Hope Women’s Conference—Knoxville, TN FALL 2023 TBA
  • Teacher (Creatives, Create in Canva!) & Speaker—July 25–30, 2023 | Christian Communicators Conference 2023 | Drury-Richardson, Texas
  • Speaker—February 4, 2023 | The Connection (a virtual online conference for women) TICKET DETAILS HERE Join Christine to hear an encouraging message about The Heart of Joy!
  • Speaker—November 12, 2022 | Biscayne Small Group, Berthoud, CO {private event}
  • Keynote Speaker—October 1–2, 2022 | Michigan Administrators in Ministry Educational Conference, DeWitt, Michigan
  • Teacher—August 14–16, 2022, AWSA Annual Conference | Strategies for Success: Book Launches Workshop
  • Teacher—April 19, 2022 | AWSA Inner Circle | Email Tips for Entrepreneurs! Workshop
  • Speaker—November 28, 2021 | Stories of Advent at Berkley Community Church, Berkley, Michigan
  • Speaker—October 8–10, 2021 | Annual Jesus Girls Retreat at Somerset Beach Campground, Michigan
  • Teacher—September 16, 2021 | AWSA Mastermind Group | “From Protege to Publishing” Workshop
  • Teacher—August 13–15, 2021 | AWSA Retreat {Marketing, Technology, & Platform} | “You Should Be On YouTube” Workshop
  • Teacher—August 13–15, 2021 | AWSA Retreat {Protégé Leader | Protégé Power-Up Sessions} | “From Protégé to Publishing” Workshop
  • Teacher—May 14 & 15, 2021 | She Writes for Him ROAR Conference for Ministry Leaders {Marketing, Technology, & Platform} | “You Should Be On YouTube”
  • Teacher—March 9, 2021 | AWSA Inner Circle | “Creatives, Create in Canva!” Workshop
  • Teacher—September 10, 2020 | AWSA MasterMind Group “Venture into Vlogging” Workshop
  • Worship Leader & Speaker—August 30 – September 3, 2020 | Christian Communicators Conference 2020 | Asheville, North Carolina
  • Speaker—November 16, 2019 | Annual Jesus Girls Christmas Dessert, Berkley Community Church | Berkley, Michigan
Is SugarFreed Me strictly Keto?

It is not! It is about replacing a craving for sugar with a craving for something healthier and far more satisfying. To maintain freedom from sugar, some choose to live a Keto lifestyle, while others choose low-carb options or something else entirely. This is your journey!

Can I eat fruit?

Don’t worry, I won’t tell you what to eat. I will simply arm you with information so you can determine the food choices that align with your goals. Many of my clients eat fruit!

Is it really possible to break a sugar addiction?

I know how impossible this feels as you read this, but trust me. I am living proof. Within 6-8 weeks of my journey, I didn’t miss sugar at all!

Will I ever be able to eat sugar again?

This is a difficult question to answer! I will make sure you have facts to make informed decisions. I have sugar on rare occasion in my own life for extra special events (like my daughter’s wedding). However, if you are a sugar/food/carb addict, abstinence is the best choice for healing.

Does the program work?

“I wouldn’t be on this incredible journey without you, Christine. Even amidst trials, I find myself more committed to my health because of your program. The energy and stamina I’ve gained since January are remarkable. The Lord has opened doors of opportunity that I hadn’t even imagined, especially this week. Jesus loves us deeply and desires our temples to be clean so we can love and serve others. You’ve been instrumental in this transformation for me!

I visited my doctor yesterday and discovered I’ve lost another eleven pounds thanks to you! I am just so grateful!”––Mary Jane J., Texas

Christine has always been a constant source of inspiration for my SugarFreed lifestyle. She’s also really well-read, and she wouldn’t suggest anything to anybody that she did not wholeheartedly believe in herself. She is truly a blessing.”––Jan Crawford, Michigan

“Christine Trimpe’s coaching has made me more aware of how sugar and simple carbs affect cravings, productivity, mental well-being, and weight. I highly recommend her SugarFreed programs for anyone who is ready to kick sugar to the curb.”––Janet McHenry

“Christine’s program, born out of her personal triumph over sugar addiction and a 100 pound weight loss, offers a well-structured plan rooted in faith. Her timely education on insulin resistance, emphasis on treating our bodies as temples, and insights into emotional management provide effective tools for transformation. I highly recommend her program for anyone seeking holistic health and support in their journey.”––Paula, Arkansas

Bringing the word of God into my weight-loss journey is definitely a game changer. Knowing Christine was praying for me and having her support made me feel secure in knowing someone was walking with me.”––Michelle Powell, Oregon

“Through Christine’s compassion coaching and program, my nutritional choices have become far more intentional and I no longer emotionally eat. I am in control and have foundational habits that sustain me through tough seasons.”––Dana Raby, Indiana

“Those last 10-15 pounds have been dogging me for years. With Christine’s SugarFreed Me program and accountability to Christine and the group of precious sisters, I lost the weight. I am thrilled!––Kathy Holtz

If you are ready to change your mindset, change your health and wellness, renew your spiritual life then you are in the right place, because Christine provides the tools, support, guidance and Christian perspective to help you facilitate these changes!”––Dee Turk

“It doesn’t matter how old you are, it’s never too late to improve your lifestyle by eating healthy and growing spiritually! I’m almost 70 and have seen many positive changes in my physical and spiritual health with Coach Christine’s encouragement and guidance! You can too!”––A Joyful SugarFreed Client


Do you offer private coaching?

If the circumstances are right, I do offer ongoing, 1:1 coaching after a person has gone through the SugarFreed Me program. Feel free to make a request using the “Ask A Question” button below.

Why do you include faith in the program?

My faith was the single most impactful part of my journey; I suspect it will be yours, too.

How much time does the program take each week?

You can expect to spend one to two hours per week listening to or watching modules and completing practical follow-up work.

How much does the program cost?

🏆I’m glad you asked. The cost of doing nothing may be devasting. I hate to think where I would be today, probably still in the same headspace as I was on the day I couldn’t begin to climb the mountain with my husband. Those were some of the darkest days of my life, and now, despite pretty serious life happenings, I can genuinely say my world is bright. I embrace joy, daily. I absolutely couldn’t have done that back then!

In the past, I’ve only offered this training in private coaching sessions—and that gets costly quickly. To make the content more accessible, I created this course and packed it with as many resources and as much support as I possibly could. So at a cost of $1997, I make sure you get everything you need to get control of your cravings once and for all and lose weight once and for all. Here’s what’s included:

39 Lessons (13 Modules): Lifetime Access
🌟 Transformative lessons for lifelong growth and wellness. $3900 Value!

Workbook for Tracking and Journaling
📔 Unleash self-discovery! A personal guide for actions, progress, and victories. $500 Value!

Private FB Group (13-Week Access): Unlimited Access to Coach Christine
🤝 Join a sisterhood for continuous support and shared joy. $1300 Value!

Three 1:1 Private Check-ins with Coach Christine
🎯 Elevate with personalized attention, celebrating victories. $300 Value!

Customized Graphic Meme for Personal Inspiration
🖼️ Ignite your spirit daily! A reminder of strength and joy. $50 Value.

Weekly Live Group Coaching Q+A
🚀 Real-time empowerment with a lively community. $600 Value!

Weekly Challenges
🏆 Boost your progress with fun, motivating group challenges. $600 Value!

Monthly Bonus Mindset Session with Guest Speakers
🌺 Nurture mind and spirit with inspiring sessions. $75 Value!

That’s a value of over $7,000!

Schedule a call with me to see if the program is right for you. I won’t let you spend a dime if I’m not sure the program can change your life!

*Please note: If we find that cost is prohibitive, I may recommend a lower-cost, self-study option. There are also a limited number of scholarships available.

Are payment plans available?

Yes! Just ask when we talk and I’ll share the options.

Have another question?
Reach out!

Is SugarFreed Me


Whether you’re motivated to shed a pesky 10 pounds or break free from decades-long cravings, SugarFreed Me is probably a great option for you. Perhaps the only option for you (like it was for me).

SugarFreed Me isn’t for everyone, and I am committed to not letting anyone spend a dime on the program until we talk. In a short (and free) 15-minute conversation, I’d love to learn a little about you and answer your questions to ensure you can make a fully informed decision. Rest assured, this call couldn’t be further from a sales pitch. I don’t have a sales-y bone in my body; I just genuinely want to help, whether my course is right for you or not.

Before and after images of Christine's weight transformation