Encouragement from Psalm 116. From overwhelmed to overwhelmed!

Ever gone through those seasons of life when you don’t want to show up? Sure, you do. We all do.
I don’t know about you, but my to-do project list is long. Not unmanageable as I set out into this new year with my assignments from the Lord. I know what I’m called to do, and you probably know what you’re called to do, too.
But some days. Phew. It is almost impossible to show up. Sometimes our duties and responsibilities (and love) for our up-close and personal situations call us away from our calling.
Do some of those situations seem hopeless, too? When we feel hopeless and afraid of these life circumstances, hanging on by a thread might take all our strength.
I’ve been in this space for two months now. And I have a hectic work week coming up this week, so I’m wondering if I can show up and give it all I’ve got?
If this sounds familiar to your situation, I have some good news from my joy-seeking mission this morning to share with you!
Sitting down, I prayed, “Lord, fill me up so I can show up this week. I’m feeling overwhelmed.”
A simple prayer before I opened my Bible while sipping my beans (coffee beans, that is).
And wouldn’t you know, the Lord showed up and showed off through Psalm 116. A psalm of praise to the Lord for deliverance.
After reading it several times and praying it out loud, I wrote, “my show up psalm” in the margin.
Psalm 116 is a psalm of Thanksgiving. A declaration of love for the Lord and all He has done for me and you!
I asked the Lord specifically to help me with the overwhelm, and He responded through His Word with this encouragement:
Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you! Psalm 116:7 NIV
And wow, has He ever! He has freed my chains (v. 16)!
What the Lord has done for you and me . . . well, that is the second word of my two-word story: Overwhelmed to overwhelmed!
If you are feeling overwhelmed today and unsure how you will show up on Monday morning, I invite you to read the entirety of Psalm 116. Be at rest when you read it. Find some quiet time and a quiet space. Watch and see as you turn your attention to Him because He will turn his ear to you and me (v. 2). Praise the Lord (v. 19).
I’ll see you on Monday! Happy Sabbath Sunday.
Read Psalm 116, then share a short story below about how the Lord continues to deliver you from overwhelmed to overwhelmed.
Showing up for yourself in your health and wellness or weight loss journey can be hard! I get it. I have more encouragement for you through my free quiz: What Hurdle is Blocking Your Weight Loss Goals? Take the quiz for free resources and an invitation to join my free SugarFreed™ Community!