{Part 1 from 2 Timothy 1:6-7 Pass it on}

Somedays I question why I walked into the kitchen? There must be some purpose. Your guess is as good as mine. But remembering song lyrics, word for word, from my camp days at Camp Cherith in Oscoda, Michigan–this is a superpower. Anyone share this power? Of course I totally have a song for you to remind you to “fan the flame.”
2 Timothy 1:6-7 (NIV) For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
If you were a child in the 1970s, let’s see if you can remember this one.
It only takes a spark, to get a fire going,
and soon all those around can warm up in its glowing.
Do you know Pass It On? I picture Paul and Timothy sitting around a campfire singing, while Paul mentors Timothy with the wise words, “My son, you must always fan the flame.”
Besides reminiscing in song, I cling to this favorite passage as a lifeline on the days I need encouragement; just like Timothy needed encouragement in his calling from Paul. Timothy and me, two kids who grew up in the faith, prone to insecurity, not seeing the big picture and God’s sovereignty in directing our paths and purpose.
Had you told me just a few short years ago my story would point others to the hope and healing of Jesus, I would not have believed you–no way, no how. My flame was dimly lit. Dare I say, not even a spark. A bad attitude and depressed mood shouldn’t be fanned–just sayin’!
Spark Ignited
Shortly after I achieved my weight loss goals, I spent a weekend at a conference with this passage of scripture as the theme. I walked out of that conference with my soul on fire and a much deeper understanding of God’s overarching theme for believers.

I literally walked away from the conference with a packet of matches as a symbol. What happens when my match ignites in a matchbook? Oh, I get to share with you! Sparks, flames, a blazing bonfire of God’s love, power, and self-control. More on the spirit of love, power, and self-control next week, but this week my goal is in passing the flame to you.
Back to the song.
That’s how it is with God’s love, once you’ve experienced it.
You’ve spread His love to everyone, you want to pass it on.
Ready to Pass it on
Here’s some good news to share. He ignited my soul. The flame is hot and I must pass it on. It’s my reason for writing, and blogging, and speaking, and singing. The joy overflows and I invite you to come along yourself on your own joyful journey.
Jesus is ready to ignite your soul, too. Yes, you. He invites you to sit around this campfire with Him and allow Him to pass on this flame of passion. Of purpose. Of His plans for your life. There is so much joy, I promise.
Trust His Word! You are a unique child of God and He has a plan for you. What will you do with this spark? Is God lighting a little flame under you to get you to move? You may be in a season of waiting, but don’t miss it when He tells you to “Get Up!”
Share below how God is moving in your life right now–I’d love to see your flame.
Before you go, make sure to subscribe to The Joy Seeker Tribe. I’ll be back soon to share Part 2 of my love for this passage in 2 Timothy.
Be a Joy Seeker!
What I’m listening to this week (Pass It On, of course): Pass It On