Part 2 from 2 Timothy 1:6-7 Pass it on

“Father, and oftentimes we are hesitant to come before you to ask for our personal needs. We’ve prayed today for the dark and hard things over our sisters, but we are afraid to pray for ourselves because we live in that hard every moment of every single day. Praying for others, we can intercede, and then we step away—watch and pray from a distance. Lord, we confess right now our lack of trust in the power of prayer over our own needs. Lord, we need you. We need your spirit of power.”
My friend Michelle, a mighty prayer warrior, prayed those words Sunday over a gathering of Jesus girls standing in the gap over a distraught sister.
Her heartfelt prayer directed my mind and spirit to Paul’s encouragement of Timothy as he sent him out alone to share the gospel in a frightening world. Timothy was overwhelmed. We are overwhelmed. As Paul writes the words, “Oh, Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you,” I get the sense Timothy felt powerless. “Oh, Timothy!” Do you relate as we are journeying through these chaotic days?
Lord, we NEED the promise Paul shared with Timothy.
2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV) …for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
As we begged the Lord to deliver His healing touch over the situation, the Holy Spirit gently rattled the wind chimes next to us, reminding us in the most reassuring way He is present. Goosebumps pricked my arms and I found comfort in the power of His Spirit in this holy moment.

Try. Relying. On. Our. Praying. Sisters. TROOPS.
I love this chapter in the book of Timothy. I’m passionate about this exchange between Paul and Timothy. But I’ve started at stopped the part two of this blog post series I started weeks ago (check out Part 1: Fan the Flame). How in the world can this be so hard? This scripture is like the air I breathe—I should be able to express the impact in my spiritual walk.
Clinging to this verse empowered me with a boldness to step out into a calling to share His truth. The truth that God does not give us a spirit of fear…no, not at all. Fear is not from God. Rather He gives us a spirit of power, love, and self-control. Those are all the complete opposite of fear! I have witnessed and experienced His abundant blessings in living this truth.
Spirit of POWER > Spirit of Fear
But like Michelle confessed in her prayer above, I confess I’ve not trusted in this power recently as I’ve cowered in the face of fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of what the future looks like over a certain family situation. Fear of not being enough. Fear of not doing enough. Fear, fear, fear. This is not of God.
Praise God for my spiritual healing and my deep and abiding hope! The depths of despair will not drop me down with the ship. My joy still overflows. Right now, I’m experiencing what many believers refer to the “joy in the suffering.”
I recognize God’s power working in our situation. Every single day His mercies are new in the morning. He is protecting my family, despite all the twists and turns in our latest uphill battle. While we face this battle, the Lord’s strong arm scoops us up and carries us along when we are weak. He has the power to do just that. I don’t have that power right now. In fact, I’m exhausted. I cry out for His power and strong arm all day, every day.
I’ve been here standing on this truth which took on a much deeper meaning during this joyful journey. I used to joke with the Lord that He better be strong and powerful to lift me up from my pit (I was one hundred pounds overweight, after all). Every day I need to meditate on this, and I’ll catch myself muttering, “I have His spirit of power, love, and self-control in me.”
Do you believe in this truth with me? Then you have His power, love, and self-control within you, too. Guard this good deposit with all your might.
Are you being attacked by the spirit of fear? Recognize right now that is not from the Lord. The Lord is powerful. He will battle for you. What will you surrender to Him today?
If you need prayer, please feel free to drop a comment below or send me a message through my contact page. I’d be honored to pray over your situation and encourage you to trust in the power of God.
I’m not done with this passage in Timothy. I’ll continue this blog series in future posts. I am certain that the spirit of God’s love and self-control deserve their own posts. So much goodness!
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Blessings and JOY,
Christine xoxo
What I’m listening to: Your Name is Power by Rend Collective